Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Little Box Girl, originally uploaded by Anthony Got Back.
"Take your time love,
'Cause you don't have to rush,
'Cause it's your life and it's no one else's, sweetheart.
Don't let someone put you in a box."
-Kate Nash, NAVY TAXI

I got a quiz the other day on Twitter (shameless plug: if you are on Twitter, follow us with the link to the right!), that said "Which stereotype are you?" Out of morbid curiosity and in the sake of thorough Girls in the Hall research, I took the quiz, which declared it would tell me how everyone views me. I was nervous, excited, thrilled--at last, I would finally know what all of my peers see when they look at me (note sarcasm).

My result, drum roll, please.... jock. Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for athletes, but other than me going running with my ipod a lot and loving football, the thought of me being put into this category alone is really funny. I can almost hear some of my friends reading this now laughing.

Who am I really? At any given moment, I could be a drama freak, goth girl, prep, book nerd, rocker, poet, activist and, ok, a jock. I bet you out there understand--we are many of these things all at once, and even sometimes none at all. We're so much more than any of those labels could ever describe.

Why are people constantly trying to cram our personalities into a box before we even have a moment to catch our breaths and learn who we really are? We feel pressure to jam our identities into one silly word, and forget to pause to take a breath. So, my fellow Girls in the Hall, I urge each of you to take your time, and don't let someone put you in a box. Unless of course, the box is labeled "awesome," which you all definitely are.

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