Thursday, March 18, 2010


Not my Prom, originally uploaded by jchong.
Steff (James Spader): 
I've been out with a lot of girls at this school. I don't see what makes you so different.

Andie (Molly Ringwald): 
I have some taste.


As I was walking to the subway yesterday (most of you know that home base for Girls in the Hall is New York City), I looked down by the gutter on my corner and spied something discarded amongst the gum wrappers and other usual suspects of NYC trash that made me a bit sad. A lonely corsage comprised of one pink rose and baby's breath lay there as evidence of someone's forgotten evening. Then, later on that day, I ran into my neighbor who is graduating this year and can't wait for prom next month. I took both of those as a combined sign that it was time for an entry on the subject.

Whether you are a girl who has dreamed of going to prom her whole life or one who finds it to be an annoying expression of a conformist society, prom is a definite right of passage. Regardless of what your opinion is about this event, everyone has one. With all of the moving I have done, I have kind of run the gammit with my thinking on the subject. I could almost do a pie chart:

Case 1: I got asked as a freshman and was told by my parents there was no way on earth I was going to prom with a senior. Thanks, mom and dad.

Case 2: I went with a friend my sophomore year only to discover that he thought we were more than that (after the roses, mixed tape and card, I ran for cover).

Case 3: Instead of going with my first love to prom, I went with his best friend. Awkward. Majorly awkward.

Case 4: Best. Dance. Ever. By this time, I thought that I was over high school and starting again, and considered not going to prom. Then, one of my best friends who was also new to the school, and I made a pact that we weren't going to let ourselves miss it. It was a good call.

I think about prom and a montage of picture perfect clips loop in my brain. However, most of those aren't images of my own memories, but have been planted in my head by movies or books. Who wouldn't want to sway with Edward Cullen to the music underneath the gazebo in TWILIGHT or take part in some insane group choreography a la FOOTLOOSE? My favorite is--no contest--PRETTY IN PINK. Molly Ringwald's Andie is the admirable definition of hopeful girl meets sardonic brilliance. The prom scene in PRETTY IN PINK is one of the culminating moments in the film. Every time I watch it, I still feel the burning anticipation to know who she will end up with, and always feel like a silent BFF cheering her on in the corner when she decides to go to the dance. The quote I chose for this week encompasses how my attitude was about prom for so long--I wanted to both judge and love it at the same time.

How will you spend prom night? Are you too young to participate yet? Will you go stag with a group of friends? Do you have a boyfriend who is taking you? Are you hoping that your crush will ask?

All I know is that by my last prom, the expectations were gone and I finally got how magical a dance like this could be. I can close my eyes and think back to that night with one of my best friends at my side while my boyfriend gave me a kiss on the dance floor, and how precious that moment in my life was. This is the prom memory that stands out for me above all others, and always will. It even beats out watching Andie arrive to the dance in her pink dress--because, quite simply, this memory is mine and it is real. Oh, and the post-prom milkshakes didn't hurt either...


Anonymous said...

I never went to prom one asked me...I was definitely pretty much invisible in high school. For girls like me, take heart! For as soon as I got to college, boys loved me and they have ever since. If you're feeling down, and I know I was, especially when I looked at all the gorgeous dresses in the stores, don't worry, YOUR TIME WILL COME!!!!

MonogaME said...

Nobody asked me to my senior prom so I asked one of my best guy friends who was a sophomore and it wound up being SO much more fun than if I had gone with a 'date.' There was no pressure to do anything other than have a fantastically fun night with all of my best friends. I think "prom" gets played up as this ultra-romantic night to find your true high school love but I really think as long as you get to dance the night away with your friends, it'll be fun!